Friday, November 26, 2010

A complete guide to medical bankruptcy

The health care system in the United States is broken. About half of all bankruptcies are declared due to the insurmountable medical bills and insurance had this large number, approximately 75% of you when the problems started.

Medical bankruptcy is not a problem of the poor or the upper middle or upper Klasse.Es is a problem for the middle class and lower middle classes - people who work hard, do their best to pay your bills and increase their families.

All it takes is a major illness or accident and even if you have health insurance, can many thousands of dollars in medical bills to verdanken.Wenn the accident or disease to lose their job, and thus their health insurance gives your medical bills can run into hundreds of thousands of dollars.

There are two main causes for the large increase in the medical bankruptcy:

The first reason is that health care costs rise at an alarming rate – about twice the rate of inflation.Rising insurance premiums and insurance ausfällt.Verschreibungspflichtige drug costs are out of control.

The second reason for the large increase in medical bankruptcy is employer to pass a larger part of the cost of health insurance along your employees.Most large employers have use health insurance in employees coverage comprehensive packages of, which covers almost everything and has a small deductible, a limited coverage has made policy with a high Selbstbehalt.Die cost of insurance to employees are gone way, while the benefits of the way, gone down.

Insurance companies are very gut.Die health your bottom lines is never better gewesen.Der middle class and lower middle class families are in a financial Krise.Bis something done that to the cost of health care and control of the insurance companies can expect stop areas to see more and more medical bankruptcies.

View the original article here

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